Tuesday 16 October 2012

Make best use of weekends for study..

I know most would not even like this topic upfront as it gives a hint of spoiling your enjoyable weekends. But that is not the intention of this article which you would appreciate towards the end of the article. This article aims at helping you to make use of the latent time during weekend mornings in a really enjoyable way. This is just a suggestion which will work for most of you guys but al last it is up to you to make your own schedule.

How you can make use of the 'latent' weekend mornings?

  • Most youngsters tend to sleep till 10 or 11 am in the mornings. While it is perfectly understandable this kind of rest is very essential to come out of the academic stress that you could had encountered throughout the week, it is also important to note that making use of this time for preparation has several benefits. The time we are talking is specifically around 6 am till 9 am.
  • now lets see the benefits of studying in the early mornings.
    • Still there is plenty of time left in the day:
      • When you complete a preparation session, it would still be 10 am and you would have the entire day waiting for taking before. This means a lot. You will have a lot of time to visit your friends, to play cricket, to go to a movie etc. Thus you will enjoy your weekend very well and also you have utilized your time for studies.
    • You are tremendously efficient in the mornings:
      • Generally mornings are disturbance free and hence your efficiency will be at peak during mornings. Especially weekend mornings are the ones when even your parents and brothers/sisters could be still be sleeping. This means you have absolutely no disturbance and it is not bad to say that by preparing for 4 hours you actually can gain equivalent to a preparation for several more hours at any other time of the day.
    • You can even create a self reward plan for yourself:
      • Now comes the most enjoyable art. Consider a part of the portion or a chapter of the subject. Now you reward yourself like "Today if I complete this chapter or this much part of the syllabus,  I will go for  a movie in the evening and so on." By doing this, you will actually feel good and enjoy your leisure time to the fullest without having any guilt that I am enjoying without studying.

Sunday 14 October 2012

Solving Model Papers

Collecting previous year question papers give you a rough idea about the type of question and marking schemes. Also solving the paper with the proper time will help to practice time management and also utilize the hours for rechecking which eliminates most of the silly mistakes and others errors. Analyzing previous years papers also lets you know your learned material and the amount of revision you need and also gives you new unseen questions. After completing the syllabus, one must surely go through the model papers to gain confidence.  

Friday 12 October 2012

playing with subjects

Studying must be made enjoyable by applying different methods. If we enjoy studying, we will surely get good marks. There are various methods and techniques to make studies more fun and easy to memorize the topics. In the today's world of technology and internet, studying can be made much more interesting. I am going to explain some methods which I have used during my studies and have really helped me to bring my interest in studies.

  • MAKE POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS: Select a topic which you want to learn and make PowerPoint presentations. Use diagrams,figures, formulas,flow charts, graphs to make presentation more effective. You can also get the pictures and other help from internet. After completing the ppt, you can discuss it and demonstrate the topic with your friends,family or you can give a presentation in the class to help other learn that topic easily. This will make you remember that topic for a long time and you will never feel hard to memorize any answer related tot hat topic.

  • RANDOM TOPIC STUDY FOR REVISION: This technique is good while you are revising your portion for exams. Take a textbook of the subject you want to study and revise. Then turn the pages randomly and put a finger on any topic without seeing. Then revise that topic completely and then repeat this procedure again. Doing this will let you study for a longer time than usual.
  • SEARCH FOR VIDEOS ON THE INTERNET: In the world of internet, everything has become easy. You can search for the topic on the internet and you can get the video of any topic you need. Instead of only reading the text, visualizing the actual video will help you memorize the topic more easily.
  • KEEP SWITCHING BETWEEN SUBJECTS: It is obvious that studying continuously for a long time  lowers the concentration and interest. For this you can switch between the subjects. You can take a gap and study your favorite subject or solve maths and then again return to your previous subject. This will help you study for more time.