Sunday 16 September 2012

Be Prepared

* Time management :

# We must always set the time table for completing the syllabus.
- According to the syllabus, make a schedule and prepare a deadline to complete the syllabus.
Also the time table must include proper time for revision which is very important.
- We must be prepared with everything before the exams. we must not leave anything. we must be regular and punctual. 

* Learning and remembering :

# we always remember the initial chapters of any subject more than the middle and final chapters. This teaches us to pay special attention to the final chapters of the book which are revised the least number of times.
# It is a good habit to read a chapter at least once before it is taught in class. It is a fact that if we already know what is being taught in class, our attention improves and we learn more effectively.
# solve past years question papers and get it checked and see your result.
  Look at the mistakes you made and correct them because you have a got a chance to improve it. Look at your time management skill of completing the paper before time and giving time for revision.
  Practice this to your best.


* The best way to relax and improve your concentration :

# For natural meditation relax yourself in your chair. Close your eyes and try to be still. Take a deep breath. Breathe easily and naturally. Breathe in and out for 10 to 15 minutes. When you have finished, sit quietly for few minutes. First with your eyes closed and then with your eyes opened. do not stand immediately. Pray God for a while and ask God to help you in your work. Start your work. You can also recite the saraswati mantra before starting your studies. it will surely help.

# Whenever you are feeling frustrated, repeat the words 'RELAX' ,'CALM DOWN' again and again and see the difference for yourself.

# If you like chess, you can play this game as this game requires serious concentration and thinking. It helps to learn to focus.

* Five keys to concentrate:



F feel
L Listen
W Watch
T Think
M Move

As you start to repeat one of the 5 keys to yourself, you actually begin to feel,listen,watch,think and move with your work.
Experience or doing a particular work continuously or repeatedly needs less concentration and less effort.

Improvising study method

* Three point method :

# The following is the three point method.
 1. Reading the text/matter
 2. Closing the book and trying to recollect it.
 3. Writing it down.

Write the answer without seeing and you will come to know how much you learned and we will realize that which vital things we have left out.

Frequent revision technique (FRT) :

# we must underline important words and phrases and then we are needed to have a look at them once.
# We must keep revising the studied matter. we must keep a time interval between the studied portion and its revision.

* Logbook:

# We should make a logbook in which only the main points are written. We can just have a look during exam time and remember them.

Exam Tips

Here are some very useful exam tips for better concentration, being prepared for exams and proper learning.

* How to concentrate :

# As far as possible try to have one place and time for study.
The reason is that when we use the same place for studies regularly, our mind accepts the fact that the particular place is meant for attentive and serious work.
Thus whenever we sit at that place our concentration improves.

# The best time to study is early morning. There are two reasons
  1. we are fresh in the morning after having had a good night's sleep. Early in the morning, our emotions
do not affect our studies.
  2. The environment is silent and it helps to concentrate.

How to bring interest in study :

# We should have a picture of a natural landscape in front of our eyes when we sit at the table. Blue and green colors are soothing to our eyes. Red and orange and other bright colors agitate or disturb us.
Get a good picture of natural landscape and keep it at eye level, it will fill you with freshness and calm.

# Do not study at late night. do not use tea or coffee while studying late at night. It will take away your concentration and also affect your health.

* Music :

# We must use music to relax which do not contain words. 
     Plain music enhances our mind and makes us feel better.